
Fillings are a common dental procedure that prevent bacteria from finding their way into your mouth from many different sources. Over time, bacteria forms layers called plaque over parts of your teeth. Every day that you let this live bacteria in your mouth, they release acid. This acid wears your teeth down and causes decay. Let us help you keep these acids out by getting the best quality fillings on the market today!

Fillings are very common for patients who cannot afford major dental procedures or dental insurance. Fillings work to hold pieces of your teeth together that have decayed due to acid released daily by bacteria. Fillings also help to keep new pieces of your teeth from breaking down like the old ones did.

What to Expect

When you get your teeth filled, your dentist will first numb the area with a local anesthetic. The nerve endings in the tooth and gum are blocked so that you experience little or no pain during the procedure.

Local anesthetics temporarily eliminate pain. Usually numbing the area around the tooth eliminates discomfort from that tooth, even before any treatment is given. You should know that sometimes a slight soreness or ache may occur after local anesthesia has been used.

The filling process sometimes involves placing temporary fillings and bonding agents before the permanent restoration. While the mouth needs to be isolated for this to happen, we take particular care to make sure that we keep you as comfortable as possible during the entire process.

Fillings protect and restore tooth structure and can be used to stop tooth decay and restore a tooth's function. Because different types of fillings can be used, your dentist will help you decide which is right for you.

Fillings are one of the most common dental procedures. After the tooth is drilled into, then treated with a nonshrinking filling material, it will be polished back into shape.