
Your smile is one of the first things people notice. It’s important to take good care of it. Traditional dentures can be bulky, make speech difficult, and are challenging to eat with. Today, however, dentures are an excellent option for many people looking to restore their smile.

Dentures are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, function more effectively, and are much easier to care for than ever - making it easier to get back to living life fully.

What to Expect

Your dentist will typically extract your posterior (back) teeth first. The extraction area will then be allowed to heal for approximately 4 to 8 weeks. After the area has healed, your dentist will make an impression of your mouth and order an immediate denture from that impression. If you're like most people, you're not thrilled with the idea of wearing a denture and you probably don't want it in your mouth for any longer than necessary.

When your teeth are removed, they are not generally "replaced" with an implant. An implant replaces the position of one or more missing teeth. To get to that stage, the dentist will first remove the remaining teeth in your mouth, then let your gum tissue heal (called healing by secondary intention).

Once the final tooth has been extracted, your dentist will bring you in to take an impression of your mouth. A lab technician will then create the final dentures on this impression. Your new teeth can be ready in about 2 weeks after that.

Replacement dentures for people who may have broken, lost or worn out their old dentures are easily made and can duplicate or improve your smile.

Your denture will last for many years. However, you should care for and maintain your dentures to ensure they last a long time. Your new set of dentures will require some adjustment and it may take a while for you to get used to them.

If you have to get dentures for the first time, it may seem a little daunting. But once they're in place, you'll be able to eat and speak much better.